Dr. Bhabesh Dutta
Title: Professor and Extension Vegetable Specialist
University: University of Georgia
Role: Project Director
Contact Info: bhabesh@uga.edu | 229-386-7495
Dr. David Langston
Title: Professor
University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Role: Co-PD
Contact Info: dblangston@vt.edu | 757-807-6536
Dr. Christine Smart
Title: Professor
University: Cornell University
Role: Co-PI
Contact Info: cds14@cornell.edu
Dr. Steve Rideout
Title: Professor
University: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Role: Co-PI
Contact Info: srideout@vt.edu
Dr. Sydney Everhart
Title: Associate Professor and Department Chair
University: University of Connecticut
Role: Co-PI
Contact Info: everhart@unl.edu
Dr. Tim Coolong
Title: Professor
University: University of Georgia
Role: Co-PI; Lead for the cultural control objectives in Georgia.
Contact Info: tcoolong@uga.edu
Dr. Greg Colson
Title: Professor in Applied Economics
University: University of Georgia
Role: Co-PI; Economist
Contact Info: gcolson@uga.edu
Christy Hoepting
Title: Extension Vegetable Specialist
University: Cornell University
Role: Collaborator
Contact Info: cah59@cornell.edu
Dr. Aparna Petkar
Title: Senior Research Associate
University: University of Georgia
Role: Co-PI; Project management and leading disease survey, fungicide resistance and pathogen population biology studies in Alternaria in Georgia.
Contact Info: aparnap@uga.edu
Dr. Rachel Koch
Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate
University: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Role: Genetic diversity and population structure of A. brassicicola utilizing high-throughput sequencing and population genomics analyses, assisting in development of a diagnostic assay that can be deployed in the field to rapidly detect fungicide resistance in pathogen populations
Contact Info: rkoch@unl.edu
Karan Patel
Title: Research Professional
University: University of Georgia
Role: Fungal Isolations, pathogenicity assays, and general lab management.
Contact Info: Karan.Patel5@uga.edu
Ty Torrance
Title: Tri-County Vegetable Extension Agent
University: University of Georgia
Role: Collaborator
Contact Info: torrance@uga.edu
Dr. Hirut Betaw
Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate
University: Cornell University
Role: Fungal isolations, pathogenicity assays, inoculum preparation, plot rating, and general management.
Dr. Kate-Cassity-Duffy
Title: Assistant Professor in Horticulture
University: University of Georgia
Role: Impact of cultural control (variety, irrigation and N-fertilization) on Alternaria severity
Dr. Navjot Kaur
Title: Postdoctoral Research Associate
University: University of Georgia
Role: Biology of seed infestation in broccoli by Alternaria sp., and evaluate sustainable seed treatments
Contact Info: navjot.kaur@uga.edu
Edgar H. Nieto-Lopez
Title: Ph.D. Candidate
University: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Role: Alternaria isolations from symptomatic tissue, phylogenetic analyses, and fungicide sensitivity assays.
Daniel Cerritos Garcia
University: University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Role: Fungicide sensitivity assays and population genetic analyses.
Colin Day
Title: Research Support Specialist
University: Cornell University
Role: Field prep and management, fungicide application, and irrigation and fertility trial establishment.
Nick King
Title: Undergraduate Intern
University: Cornell University
Role: Field work (planting and maintenance)